Pre-k and Kindergarten subtract one with pictures up to 10 Monster board game

Pre-k and Kindergarten subtract one with pictures up to 10 Monster board game - The concept of subtraction can be understood as taking away something. For example subtract one from ten means taking away one from ten and can be expressed as 10 � 1. At basic level, subtraction can be taught with tools like chips or on paper with strokes. This game contains pictures illustrating subtraction problems. It is an interactive monster math board game online. As you answer a question correctly, you win and accumulate points. But these points can be all stolen by a monster if you land on the wrong space. It is a fun game that can be played anywhere; at home or in the classroom. Teachers and parents will relish the ability for this game to be to fun but at the same time a great subtraction review tool for kids in kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.