Comparison With Pictures | Comparing Numbers to 20


In the world of mathematics, comparing numbers is a fundamental skill that lays the foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. Whether you're a young student just beginning your math journey or an adult refreshing your math knowledge, understanding how to compare numbers to 20 is essential. In this article, we will explore the importance of this skill, various methods for comparing numbers, and practical examples to help solidify your understanding.

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Why Is Comparing Numbers Important?

Before delving into the methods of comparing numbers, let's first understand why this skill is crucial. Comparing numbers is essential for making decisions in everyday life. From determining which product is a better deal at the grocery store to solving complex mathematical problems, the ability to compare numbers accurately is indispensable. Moreover, it serves as a building block for more advanced math concepts, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Methods for Comparing Numbers

1. Greater Than (>)

One of the most basic methods of comparing numbers is using the greater-than symbol (>). When you see this symbol, it means that the number on the left is greater than the number on the right. For example:

  • 15 > 10
  • 8 > 4

2. Less Than (<)

Conversely, the less-than symbol (<) indicates that the number on the left is smaller than the number on the right. Examples include:

  • 5 < 10
  • 3 < 7

3. Equal To (=)

Sometimes, numbers are equal, and we use the equal-to symbol (=) to represent this. For instance:

  • 12 = 12
  • 6 = 6

4. Greater Than or Equal To (≥)

This symbol (≥) denotes that a number is greater than or equal to another number. For example:

  • 18 ≥ 18
  • 25 ≥ 20

5. Less Than or Equal To (≤)

Similarly, the symbol (≤) signifies that a number is less than or equal to another number. Examples include:

  • 9 ≤ 9
  • 14 ≤ 17

Practical Examples

Now, let's put these methods into practice with some real-world examples:

Example 1: Shopping for Fruits

You have $15, and you want to buy apples and oranges. Apples cost $10, and oranges cost $8. Which fruit can you afford to buy?

In this case, you can use the greater-than symbol to compare:

  • $15 > $10 (apples)
  • $15 > $8 (oranges)

You can afford both apples and oranges.

Example 2: Comparing Ages

You are comparing the ages of two people. Person A is 25 years old, and Person B is 30 years old. Who is older?

Using the less-than symbol, we compare:

  • 25 < 30

Person B is older than Person A.


In conclusion, comparing numbers to 20 is a fundamental math skill that has practical applications in our daily lives. Whether you're shopping, determining ages, or tackling more complex math problems, the ability to compare numbers accurately is essential. By mastering the methods discussed in this article, you'll have a solid foundation for further mathematical learning.


1. Can I use these comparison methods for numbers greater than 20?

Absolutely! The methods described in this article apply to numbers beyond 20. They are fundamental principles that can be used for any numerical comparison.

2. Are there any other symbols for comparing numbers?

The symbols mentioned here are the most common ones for comparing numbers. However, there are additional symbols used in advanced mathematics, such as inequalities.

3. How can I practice comparing numbers to 20?

You can practice by creating your own number comparisons or by using math worksheets and online resources specifically designed for this skill.

4. What are some practical situations where comparing numbers is essential?

Comparing numbers is crucial when budgeting, determining the best deal, analyzing data, and making informed decisions in various aspects of life.

5. Is there a limit to how many numbers I can compare at once?

There is no strict limit to the number of numbers you can compare. However, it's essential to keep the comparison clear and manageable, especially when dealing with a large set of numbers.