Order of Operations in 6th Grade Math


Mathematics is a subject that builds upon itself, and understanding the order of operations is fundamental for success in more advanced math concepts. In this article, we will explore the order of operations in 6th-grade math. We'll break down the key concepts, step by step, to ensure a clear understanding of this critical foundation in mathematics.

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What Is the Order of Operations?

Before diving into the specifics of the order of operations in 6th-grade math, let's clarify what it means. The order of operations is a set of rules used to determine the sequence in which mathematical operations should be performed in an expression. It ensures consistency and accuracy in mathematical calculations.

The PEMDAS Acronym

One of the most common ways to remember the order of operations is by using the acronym PEMDAS. Each letter stands for a specific operation:

  1. P - Parentheses
  2. E - Exponents
  3. M - Multiplication
  4. D - Division
  5. A - Addition
  6. S - Subtraction

Applying PEMDAS in 6th Grade Math

Let's put PEMDAS into action with some examples to illustrate how these operations work together.

Example 1: Simplifying Expressions

Problem: Evaluate the expression 5 + (3 * 2) - 4.

Solution: Using PEMDAS, we start by solving what's inside the parentheses first. 3 * 2 equals 6. So, the expression becomes 5 + 6 - 4. Now, we perform addition and subtraction from left to right, resulting in 11 - 4, which equals 7.

Example 2: Handling Exponents

Problem: Calculate 2^3 * (4 + 1).

Solution: In this case, we first solve the exponent, which is 2^3, equal to 8. Then, we move on to the addition inside the parentheses, 4 + 1, which equals 5. Finally, we multiply 8 by 5, giving us the answer of 40.

Common Pitfalls

Understanding the order of operations is crucial, but students often make mistakes. Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

Pitfall 1: Skipping Steps

Some students tend to skip steps and perform operations from left to right without considering the order prescribed by PEMDAS. This can lead to incorrect answers.

Pitfall 2: Misinterpreting Parentheses

Parentheses are often misinterpreted, leading to errors. It's essential to evaluate what's inside the parentheses first, no matter the complexity of the expression.

Pitfall 3: Neglecting Exponents

Exponents are sometimes overlooked or incorrectly calculated. Always handle exponents before other operations.

Practical Applications

Understanding the order of operations is not just for classroom math; it has practical applications in everyday life. Whether you're calculating expenses, cooking recipes, or building something, the order of operations ensures accurate results.


In 6th-grade math, mastering the order of operations is a foundational skill that paves the way for success in more advanced math concepts. Remember PEMDAS, practice with various examples, and always follow the prescribed order. With these skills in your toolkit, you'll tackle math problems with confidence.


  1. What happens if I don't follow the order of operations? If you don't follow the order of operations, you risk getting incorrect answers in mathematical calculations.

  2. Is PEMDAS the only way to remember the order of operations? While PEMDAS is a common acronym, some people use "BODMAS" (Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) as an alternative.

  3. Can I use a calculator to handle the order of operations? Yes, most calculators are programmed to follow the order of operations, but it's essential to understand the concept behind it.

  4. Are there exceptions to the order of operations? In standard mathematics, the order of operations is consistent. However, some specialized fields may have their own rules.

  5. Where can I find more practice problems to improve my skills? You can find practice problems in math textbooks, online math resources, or consult your teacher for additional exercises.