Spelling Numbers Above Twenty | How to Spell Numbers Above 20


Numbers are a fundamental part of our daily lives, and knowing how to spell them correctly is essential for effective communication. While we often learn how to spell numbers up to 20 in elementary school, what about numbers above 20? In this article, we will explore the rules and conventions for spelling numbers above 20 and provide you with some valuable insights to enhance your writing skills.

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Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the specifics of spelling numbers above 20, it's important to grasp the foundational rules. Numbers can be classified into two main categories: cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.

Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers represent the quantity of items and are used in counting, measuring, and ordering. Examples of cardinal numbers include one, two, three, and so on. For numbers above 20, the rules for spelling them correctly vary depending on the number itself.

Spelling Numbers from 21 to 99

Spelling numbers from 21 to 99 may seem a bit tricky at first, but it follows a consistent pattern once you understand it.

Tens and Units

When spelling numbers in this range, you typically start with the tens digit (e.g., twenty, thirty, forty) and then add the units digit (e.g., one, two, three). For example, 25 is spelled as "twenty-five," and 47 is spelled as "forty-seven."


One important rule to remember is the use of hyphens between the tens and units when writing these numbers. This hyphen helps maintain clarity in your writing.

Exception: Numbers Ending in Zero

Numbers that end in zero, such as 30, 50, or 80, are a bit different. In such cases, you do not need to use a hyphen between the tens and units. For example, 30 is spelled as "thirty," and 50 is spelled as "fifty."

Spelling Larger Numbers

When dealing with numbers greater than 99, you follow a different pattern. You start with the hundreds digit, followed by the word "hundred" and the tens and units digits. For example, 125 is spelled as "one hundred twenty-five."

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Spelling numbers correctly can be challenging, and there are some common mistakes to watch out for.

Mixing Numerals and Words

One common mistake is mixing numerals and words. It's best to stick to one format consistently. For example, don't write "23" in one place and "twenty-five" in another in the same document.

Using Incorrect Hyphenation

Another mistake to avoid is using hyphens incorrectly. Remember the rule for hyphens between tens and units, and apply it consistently.


In summary, knowing how to spell numbers above 20 is essential for clear and effective communication in your writing. By understanding the rules for spelling numbers in this range, you can enhance the readability and professionalism of your content.


  1. Q: Do I always need to use hyphens when spelling numbers above 20? A: Hyphens are necessary when writing numbers from 21 to 99, but not for numbers ending in zero or larger numbers.

  2. Q: Can I use numerals for numbers above 20 in my writing? A: While using numerals is acceptable in some contexts, spelling out numbers above 20 is generally preferred for formal writing.

  3. Q: Are there any exceptions to the rules for spelling numbers? A: The rules for spelling numbers are relatively consistent, but it's essential to watch out for exceptions like numbers ending in zero.

  4. Q: Is it necessary to spell out large numbers like 1,000 or 1,000,000? A: Yes, it's a good practice to spell out large numbers to enhance readability in your writing.

  5. Q: Can I use abbreviations for numbers like "25"? A: While abbreviations like "25" are commonly used in casual writing, it's recommended to spell out numbers above 20 in formal documents for clarity.