Addition of three digit numbers wheel of fortune game


Addition of three digit numbers wheel of fortune game - math game for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades. Three digit numbers contain numbers in the units, tens and hundreds place. When subtracting such large numbers, students are sometimes expected to borrow from other places. This activity follows simila principles used in subtraction that were learned in the earlier grades. By subtracting large numbers, students prepare themselves for subsequent word problems related to money, proportions and more. This game in an online math game with questions to solve. Learn while playing.

The numbers are getting bigger. You much have been able to do one-digit and two-digits before moving to the three-digits. The addition of three digits will have hundreds column added to the tens and unit since it will be triple-digit numbers. Remember the process and work from right to left. Instead of stopping at the tens column, you will just have one more column to work with. Let's look at some examples with no carrying. 

456 + 123 = 579
281 + 715 = 996
809 + 150 = 959 

And in a vertical format...

+ 516

Looking at Carrying Again
The above example gives answers less than one thousand (1,000). It should be evident that many of the three-digit numbers you add will provide you with a sum that is larger than 1,000. How do you get there? Bring back those carrying/regrouping skills. 

When the sum of your column are more than "9" you are expected to carry the "1" into the next column to the left. A sum from the one's column that is greater than "9" will carry a "1" to the tens column. If you now get a total greater than "9" in the tens column, you will have to bring the "1" to the hundreds column. From the hundreds, you will move to the thousands. This same process happens with any  two-digit numbers. We don't ask you to add all the numbers at one time. Break up the problem into a few simple steps. Math has rules to make things very straightforward. 

485 + 679 = ?
Steps to Solve:
• Ones column: 5 + 9 =14
• Write the "4" and carry the "1".
• Tens column: 1 (carried) + 8 + 7 = 16
• Write the "6" and carry the "1".
• Hundreds column: 1 (carried) + 4 + 6 = 11
• Write the "11," there you have your final answer as "1164".
485 + 679 = 1,164 

Break it down into steps...

+ 679

+ 679

+ 679

+ 679
